If A Post Goes Live And No One Claps

…what did I do wrong?

Lucero Cantu
8 min readJul 28, 2019
Photo by Realmac Dan on Unsplash

The goal is always to resonate.

I mean — right? Regardless of whether you’re writing a poem or some handy list the goal is always to connect with someone in a meaningful way. Sometimes I do get upset when a post receives only a few claps. Which, in a way, is fine. If my writing sucks, then my writing sucks. This is by no means a rant against readers.

Rather, I think it’s important to point out that sometimes your writing isn’t the problem. Often times the problem is how you choose to present your writing to the world. Digital marketing is all about optimizing a message to the right audience member, then delivering that message at the right time. If you don’t spend time marketing your writing — and revisiting your strategy with ways to improve — your writing will not be read.

Maybe this isn’t fair and maybe a more just blogosphere involves a publishing space where all that matters is the writing and not the title, format, publishing frequency, or cover photo. Maybe, right? And while we can sit here and dwell on the maybe’s, I believe it’s far more important to face reality as is.

Your posts will do better if you keep basic digital marketing principles in mind before publishing.



Lucero Cantu

An attempt at making sense of the world around me. I work at the intersection of digital, politics, and borderline-maniacal buffoonery